The player is immersed in the mysterious world of a magical pumpkin farm, where pumpkins are highly diverse and full of surprises, making it challenging to distinguish one from another. The objective is to carefully observe each pumpkin character and recall as many details as possible. The player's task is to recognize and locate two identical pumpkins among the many presented.
- At the start, a single pumpkin will be displayed on the screen. The player should examine it closely and memorize its shape and other distinctive features.
- When ready, the player should click the "next" arrow. The initial pumpkin will then disappear, and several new pumpkins will appear. The player's task is to identify the pumpkin they had previously seen and select it by clicking on it.
- Recognizing all or as many pumpkins as possible is worthwhile, as a special Halloween surprise awaits the player at the end of the game.