Experience the power of a high-tech laser cannon in the GMOD Bombs! Game. Collect bombs, create cities, and aim to destroy objects on the map to enjoy spectacular explosions. GMOD Bombs is an exciting game where you take on the role of a bombardier armed with a futuristic laser cannon. Your task is to collect bombs and strategically destroy various objects and structures on the map. Each bomb has a unique flight trajectory and blast radius, which requires precision and aiming skills.
Game mode:
WASD - Move
E - Activate the bomb
I - Store
Right mouse button - Shoot
Left mouse button - Capture an object with a laser
Esc - Pause
Construction Mode:
WASD - Control the camera
Right mouse button - Browse
Left mouse button - Select
Wheel - Rotate the object during installation
C - Clear the location
T - Open / Close the panel for adding points
B - Switch to spawn mode