Spider Rope Hero City Fight

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Protect the crime-ridden city using your extraordinary superhuman abilities. You will take on the role of a rope hero with the power of flight, crawling, and spider-like abilities. Your mission is to eliminate the mafia. Your duty begins with ensuring the ultimate security of the president. The gangsters have kidnapped the state president, so you must chase them and rescue your president. Swing into action and unleash your superhero powers to save the city from chaos and destruction.

W - Move Forward; A - Move Left; S - Move Backward; D - Move Right; I - View Instructions; F - Enter/Exit Vehicle; P - Pause; Y - Cancel Rope; X - Switch Weapon; L - Lock/Unlock Cursor; Z - Use Special Attacks; B - Spawn Car; TAB - Aim Rope; LEFT MOUSE - Throw Rope; L-SHIFT F - Fly; RIGHT MOUSE - Aim Weapon; LEFT MOUSE - Shoot Weapon



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